We edit systematically
Our structured approach was developed at JPL and refined by editors worldwide.
Modular methodology
The Levels of Edit is a structured approach to editing that has been tested and refined by generations of editors. Developed at Jet Propulsion Laboratory shortly after the first moon landing, this flexible structure takes the guesswork out of project management, enabling authors to select exactly the type of edit that meets their specific needs.
Edit categories
The Levels of Edit defines nine categories, called edit types, which it configures into five cumulative edit levels.
For details, see Edit types and levels.
Service Modules
Based on The Levels of Edit, we offer five standard service modules configured for your particular project:
Language Edit
Style Edit
Usability Edit
Substantive Edit
In addition, we offer modular indexing services and standardization services:
Document indexes
Master indexes
Single-source indexes
Style guides
Master glossaries
For details, see Services.
Experienced editor
For over 25 years, Kurt Ament has edited technical publications for leading companies in science and industry, such as European XFEL, HP, Symantec, and Xerox. In addition, he has developed numerous style guides, document templates, electronic forms, master glossaries, and master indexes. He is a former student of Mary Fran Buehler, co-author of The Levels of Edit.
University of California at Los Angeles
Certificate in Technical CommunicationUniversity of California at Berkeley
BA in History with Honors